The Non Profit Organization Celui qui souffle involves artists in hospitals, in particular with children.

The rallying point of Celui qui souffle is the Necker Hospital in Paris, of which it is a partner.

Radio program

Each week, in the Espace Plein-Ciel of the Necker Hospital in Paris, we host a program entitled Il suffit de passer le pont (Just cross the bridge). The program is broadcast live in children’s bedrooms, as well as on our Youtube channel.
Il suffit de passer le pont looks at everything that connects the arts to each other. When authors write about dance, when musicians put painting to music, when filmmakers film theater … Do the different artistic forms communicate with each other? Can we switch from one to the other? Just cross the bridge …
We regularly host artists on the air. If you want to give some of your time, and share your artistic craft with children, do not hesitate to contact us!
They gave us their time: François Rollin, Renan Luce, Orestis Kalampalikis, Isabelle Dabek, Sylvie Hue, Morgane Dupuy, Renaud Déjardin.
Artists at bedside

Some children cannot move around, and are confined to their room or even their bed. This isolation can be a factor of anxiety and cause a loss of bearings. It seems essential to us to remedy this compartmentalization, by offering meetings at the bedside. This is about creating moments of artistic sharing. Sing a song, present a musical instrument, say poems, play small theatrical scenes, tell a story, dance, make a portrait or a drawing … Art becomes a source of stimulation and activates the imagination, in order to push back the walls of the room. And perhaps these meetings will allow the birth of vocations.
Shows and Concerts

We want to make our creations travel and offer them free of charge to hospitals in France, in order to reach as many children as possible.

Hospitalized children, like all children, need to come together, play together, unite around a common activity. Artistic creation is a good way to offer this, in the form of workshops. Celui qui souffle aims to give artistic workshops of all kinds, theater, improvisation, music, drawing, dance, cinema … Creating together is a source of joy and exhilaration. The community thus formed allows the children to feel less alone in the face of the ordeal they are going through.
Celui qui souffle is Artelude's new name.